Stress Storm

^z 30th October 2023 at 8:30am

In human fitness theory, Interval Training is the practice of varying workouts to include intensive segments of exercise alternating with recovery segments. It's an example of "polarization", a deliberate widening of the usual distribution of something to include more of the extremes and less concentration near the middle. Interval training builds strength and speed.

So how about Life intervals? Practice daily (or hourly, or weekly, or annually?!) in the face of stress:

  • softening — relaxed acceptance of what is
  • calming — consciously being less busy
  • recovering — active resting

... and contrariwise,occasionally take mindful "sprints" of hard activity too!

(cf Noise and Predictability (1999-09-14), Long Tails (2000-02-14), Training Tactics (2009-04-09), Power Spectrum Running (2012-09-09), Intermittent Fasting, (2019-11-24) ...) - ^z - 2019-12-26